Specific Back Pain Conditions:

Muscle Injury: Inflammation and swelling of the soft tissue can be caused by injury or impact. Often muscle injury places pressure on nearby nerves. Rest, mild stretching, ice and/or heat will resolve most

muscle strains and sprains.

Arthritis: The back is subject to significant wear and tear. Exercise helps strengthen and heal a back because exercise promotes blood flow to the spine. Conditions due to general wear and tear include arthritis of the spine or spondylosis and spinal stenosis which is the narrowing of the space within the spinal canal.

Osteoporosis: As we age, bones become more brittle, especially in women pst menopause. Thinner vertebrae weaken the strength of the spine, and may fracture.

Herniated Disc: Discogenic back pain occurs when the cushioning, shock-absorbing discs between the vertebrae malfunction or break. When discs slip out of position, spinal nerves can be pinched resulting in pain.

Spondylolisthesis: When one vertebra in the spinal column slips forward over another, the integrity of the spine can be compromised and destabilized. This causes vertebrae to pull on muscles, ligaments and other discs, compressing nerves and causing pain.

Sciatica: The collection of spinal nerves joined together at the lower part of the spine is called the Sciatic Nerve. When any one nerve in this group gets irritated or compressed, it sends pain signals to all of the other nerves, and this pain can extend all the way down the leg.




1.     National Institute of Arthritis & Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, What is Back Pain?, September 2009.

2.     Medline Plus, National Institutes of Health, 2011.

3.     Zacharoff et al., Your Guide to Pain Management, Inflexxion, Inc. 2009.